Installing Parallel Coordinates in Seeq
The Parallel Coordinates Add-on/Plugin is a single ‘.plugin’ file. It can be installed by any Seeq admin user.
You will need to be a Seeq Administrator to install this Add-on/plugin
Here are the steps to complete the installation
Enable plugin support on the Seeq server
This step is needed if it is the first time a plugin has been installed on the Seeq Server. Skip this section if plugin support has already been setup on this Seeq server.
Go to the Seeq administration page from the page from the hamburger menu on the Seeq header:
Select the Configuration Tab :
Enable advanced configuration options.
Search for the Features/Plugins/Enabled option. Typing plugin in the name box should find it
Click the edit button as shown in Fig. 76.
In the edit box click override default value as shown below in Fig. 77
Click next to false as shown in Fig. 78. This will change the value to true ( Fig. 79)
Add a comment in the note box to document the change (required step).(Fig. 80)
You will not be able to save the change if you do not add a comment.
Click Save to save and close the editor.(Fig. 81)
Next click the Save button at the top right side of the page. This should be enabled if you have made a change and added a comment.
Upload the Parallel Coordinates plugin file
Once plugins are enabled (see Enable Plugin Support), a new tab called Plugins will appear in the administration form
This Tab lists installed plugins, allows them to be uploaded or removed, and provides a way to configure user access.
To upload the Parallel Coordinates plugin, click the Upload Plugin button
This will open a file browser to allow you to locate the .plugin file on your machine. Once it is located and selected, clicking open will upload the plugin to the server and install it. It will then appear in the list of installed plugins
Configuring access to the Parallel Coordinates plugin
Clicking the Access control icon in the plugin list will open a dialog to configure users who can access the plugin.
It is only necessary to grant read access to users.
To grant access to all users configure read access for Everyone as shown in Fig. 86
Access can also be restricted to individual users or groups. Seeq Administrators can always use plugins. For non-admin users, only those who have been granted read access will see the plugin on their Data view menu.