# Installation The backend of **seeq-plot-curve** requires **Python 3.7** or later. ## Dependencies See [`requirements.txt`](https://github.com/seeq12/seeq-plot-curve/tree/main/requirements.txt) file for a list of dependencies and versions. Additionally, you will need to install the `seeq` module with the appropriate version that matches your Seeq server. For more information on the `seeq` module see [seeq at pypi](https://pypi.org/project/seeq/) ## User Installation Requirements (Seeq Data Lab) If you want to install **seeq-plot-curve** as a Seeq Add-on Tool, you will need: - Seeq Data Lab (>= R50.5.0, >=R51.1.0, or >=R52.1.0) - Seeq module whose version matches the Seeq server version, and the version of SPy >= 182.25 - Seeq administrator access - Enable Add-on Tools in the Seeq server ## User Installation (Seeq Data Lab) The latest build of the project can be found [here](https://pypi.org/project/seeq-plot-curve/) as a wheel file. The file is published as a courtesy to the user, and it does not imply any obligation for support from the publisher. 1. Create a **new** Seeq Data Lab project and open the **Terminal** window 2. Run `pip install seeq-plot-curve` 3. Run `python -m seeq.addons.plot_curve [--users --groups ]`