Source code for seeq.addons.mps._mps

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pickle
import os
from seeq import spy

import mass_ts as mts
from dtaidistance import dtw

[docs]def gather_workbook_worksheet_meta_data(workbook_id, worksheet_id): """ This function gathers workbook object data and worksheet index Parameters ---------- workbook_id : str The Seeq ID of the source workbook worksheet_id: str The Seeq ID of the source worksheet Returns ------- desired_workbook: list of seeq.spy.workbooks._workbook objects and seeq spy workbook meta data sheet_index: int integer detailing the index of the source worksheet """ wb_id ={'ID': workbook_id}, quiet=True ) desired_workbook = spy.workbooks.pull(wb_id, include_referenced_workbooks=False, include_inventory=False, quiet=True, errors='catalog' ) # find worksheet index try: sheet_list = desired_workbook[0].worksheets sheet_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(sheet_list) if worksheet_id in str(s)][0] return desired_workbook, sheet_index except IndexError: print('ERROR = Could not find worksheet: ' + str(worksheet_id))
[docs]def save_ref(workbook_id, worksheet_id, signal_pull_list, known_cap, time_frame, grid, save_name, mypath): """ This function saves the reference profile time series data and metadata as a pickle file Parameters ---------- workbook_id : str The Seeq ID of the source workbook worksheet_id: str The Seeq ID of the source worksheet signal_pull_list: list of str List of strings that detail the signal names to describe the reference profile to be saved known_cap: str Name (str) of the capsule that defines the reference/s to be saved time_frame: list of datetime Start and end datetimes of the analysis range to searched for the known capsule in the seeq.spy.pull grid: str resolution/griding of the seeq.spy.pull save_name: str name of the pickle file to saved as mypath path to folder to save the pickle file in """ desired_workbook, sheet_index = gather_workbook_worksheet_meta_data(workbook_id, worksheet_id) # define signals to be searched and pulled items = desired_workbook[0].worksheets[sheet_index].display_items items_s = items[items.Type == 'Signal'] items_s = items_s[items_s['Name'].isin(signal_pull_list)] # define 'known' condition to be pulled for all signals items_c = items[items.Type == 'Condition'] items_c = items_c[items_c.Name == known_cap] data_pull_known = spy.pull(items_c, start=time_frame[0], end=time_frame[1], quiet=True, grid=grid) file_name = os.path.join(str(mypath), str(save_name) + '.pkl') with open(file_name, 'wb') as file_: pickle.dump(items_s, file_) pickle.dump(data_pull_known, file_)
[docs]def load_ref(load_name, mypath): """ This function loads the reference profile time series data and metadata from a previously saved pickle file. Parameters ---------- load_name: str Name of the pickle file to load. mypath: str Path to folder containing the pickle file to load. Returns ------- items_s_ref: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Name', 'ID', 'Type', 'Color', 'Line Style', 'Line Width', 'Lane', 'Samples Display', 'Axis Auto Scale', 'Axis Align', 'Axis Group', 'Axis Show'] to detail the signals that describe the known reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Condition', 'Capsule Start','Capsule End','Capsule Is Uncertain'] to detail the capsule of the known reference profile capsule. """ file_name = os.path.join(str(mypath), str(load_name) + '.pkl') with open(file_name, 'rb') as file_: items_s_ref = pickle.load(file_) data_pull_known = pickle.load(file_) return items_s_ref, data_pull_known
[docs]def pull_ref_data(items_s_ref, data_pull_known, grid): """ This function gathers the time series data of the reference. The reference conditions limits the timeframe of the time series data to be gathered, a signal list instructs the variables to be gathered and the sampling rate or griding is set. Parameters ---------- items_s_ref: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Name', 'ID', 'Type', 'Color', 'Line Style', 'Line Width', 'Lane', 'Samples Display', 'Axis Auto Scale', 'Axis Align', 'Axis Group', 'Axis Show']. To detail the signals that describe the known reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Condition', 'Capsule Start','Capsule End','Capsule Is Uncertain']. To detail the capsule of the known reference profile capsule. grid: str Resolution/griding of the spy pull. Returns ------- data_pull_c: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the reference profile. """ start_all = data_pull_known['Capsule Start'].iloc[0] end_all = data_pull_known['Capsule End'].iloc[-1] data_pull_c = spy.pull(items_s_ref, start=start_all, end=end_all, quiet=True, grid=grid) data_pull_c['Date-Time'] = pd.to_datetime(data_pull_c.index) data_pull_c = data_pull_c.dropna() return data_pull_c
[docs]def pull_mps_data(workbook_id, worksheet_id, signal_pull_list, items_s_ref, data_pull_known, time_frame, grid): """ This function gathers all the time series data required for the analysis, for the reference and the search area. Parameters ---------- workbook_id : str The Seeq ID of the source workbook. worksheet_id: str The Seeq ID of the source worksheet. signal_pull_list: list of str List of strings that detail the signal names to describe the reference profile. items_s_ref: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Name', 'ID', 'Type', 'Color', 'Line Style', 'Line Width', 'Lane', 'Samples Display', 'Axis Auto Scale', 'Axis Align', 'Axis Group', 'Axis Show']. To detail the signals that describe the reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Condition', 'Capsule Start','Capsule End','Capsule Is Uncertain']. to detail the capsule of the known reference profile capsule. time_frame: list of datetime Start and end of the analysis range to search for the known capsule in the spy pull. grid: str Details the resolution/griding of the spy pull Returns ------- data_pull: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area.known_select data_pull_c: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the reference profile. sheet_index: int Integer detailing the index of the source worksheet. """ desired_workbook, sheet_index = gather_workbook_worksheet_meta_data(workbook_id, worksheet_id) # define signals to be searched and pull in 1min grid items = desired_workbook[0].worksheets[sheet_index].display_items items_s = items[items.Type == 'Signal'] items_s = items_s[items_s['Name'].isin(signal_pull_list)] data_pull = spy.pull(items_s, start=time_frame[0], end=time_frame[1], quiet=True, grid=grid) data_pull['Date-Time'] = pd.to_datetime(data_pull.index) data_pull = data_pull.dropna() data_pull_c = pull_ref_data(items_s_ref, data_pull_known, grid) # return signal data, known capsule start and send time, length of known window return data_pull, data_pull_c, sheet_index
[docs]def sort_and_prepare_results(data_pull, total_dist, window_step, threshold, known, sim_, max_): """ This function takes the distance measurements from all variables at each window step, orders them numerically, computes a % similarity score by comparing against the minimum possible distance (zero) and the maximum distance (largest of the inverse of its self or maximum found distance) and removes overlapping 'found' capsules/events from most similar to least similar. Parameters ---------- data_pull: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area. total_dist: list of float List of distance measurements between the two curves. window_step: int ize of the window stepping used by the algo. known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has strictly only the time series data for the reference profile start and end. sim_: bool Set to return similar or dis-similar results. threshold: float 0 to 1 float to set similarity cutoff for found capsules. max_: float Max accumulative distance used to scale all other distances measured. Returns ------- found_list: list of int Each int in the list is the sorted (highest similarity match 1st) index of each found capsule as an integer relative to data_pull. found_sim: list of float Corresponding similarity measurement (0 to 1) of found list with 100% being a perfect match. """ # suppress warnings of "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame." pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn' found_list = [] found_sim = [] # create dataframe of results to remove sort, remove out of threshold set and remove duplicates total_dist_df = pd.DataFrame(total_dist, columns=['distance']) # adjust if window steps are used total_dist_df.index = total_dist_df.index * window_step total_dist_df['index_'] = total_dist_df.index # short by lowest distance (best match) and get index of lowest to then be used to find datetime if known.index[0] >= data_pull.index[0] and known.index[-1] <= data_pull.index[-1]: known_index = data_pull.index.get_loc(known.index[0]) # remove known capsule total_dist_df = total_dist_df[(total_dist_df['index_'] > (known_index + known.shape[0])) | (total_dist_df['index_'] < (known_index - known.shape[0] * 0.5)) ] # sort total_dist_df_sorted = total_dist_df.sort_values('distance', ascending=sim_) # min/max normalise min_ = 0 if isinstance(max_, float): total_dist_df_sorted.distance.replace(np.inf, max_, inplace=True) else: total_dist_df_sorted.distance.replace(np.inf, 0, inplace=True) max_ = total_dist_df_sorted.distance.max() total_dist_df_sorted.distance = (total_dist_df_sorted.distance - min_) / (max_ - min_) total_dist_df_sorted.distance.where(total_dist_df_sorted.distance <= 1, 1, inplace=True) # remove out of threshold set if threshold > 0: total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered = total_dist_df_sorted[total_dist_df_sorted.distance < (1 - threshold)] else: total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered = total_dist_df_sorted for e in range(0, min(1000, total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.shape[0])): if e < total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.shape[0]: item = total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.index_.iloc[e] sim_save = total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.distance.iloc[e] min_window = item - known.shape[0] max_window = item + known.shape[0] total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered = total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered[ (total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.index_ == item) | (total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.index_ > max_window) | (total_dist_df_sorted_threshold_filtered.index_ < min_window) ] else: break if known.index[0] >= data_pull.index[0] and known.index[-1] <= data_pull.index[-1]: known_index = data_pull.index.get_loc(known.index[0]) # remove known capsule from found profiles and set as list to use for push capsules if (item < (known_index - known.shape[0] * 0.8)) or (item > (known_index + known.shape[0])): found_list.append(item) found_sim.append((1 - sim_save) * 100) else: found_list.append(item) found_sim.append((1 - sim_save) * 100) return found_list, found_sim
[docs]def known_select(data_pull_c, data_pull_known, select_): """ This function uses the known start and end time of the reference capsule/s and extracts the time series data from the entire time series data set within the investigation range of the worksheet. Parameters ---------- data_pull_c: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area. select_: str Name of the selected reference capsule. Returns ------- known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has strictly only the time series data for the reference profile start and end. knownlength: int Length of the known dataframe. """ try: known = data_pull_c[data_pull_c['Date-Time'] > data_pull_known['Capsule Start'][select_]] known = known[known['Date-Time'] < data_pull_known['Capsule End'][select_]] knownlength = known.shape[0] except: temp_df = data_pull_known temp_df['Capsule Start'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df['Capsule Start']) temp_df['Capsule End'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df['Capsule End']) known = data_pull_c[data_pull_c['Date-Time'] > temp_df['Capsule Start'][select_]] known = known[known['Date-Time'] < temp_df['Capsule End'][select_]] knownlength = known.shape[0] return known, knownlength
[docs]def seeq_mps_mass(data_pull, data_pull_c, data_pull_known, threshold, normalise, sim_): """ This function measures the euclidean distance between the reference and search space time series data over the same duration (limited by the reference) using Mueen's Algorithm for Similarity Search [MASS]. The algorithm window steps through the time series data calculating a distance for each time period. It loops through all the variables in the dataset and sums the distances into an accumulative distance measurement for each time step. The function can be instructed to normalise the data before measurement. The distance scores are then converted to % similarity compared to minimum possible distance (zero) and the maximum distance (largest of the inverse of its self or maximum found distance). Finally the % of each variable/signal contribution to the similarity measurement is calculated. This function is intended to be applied to continuous process data. Technical reference found @ Parameters ---------- data_pull: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area. data_pull_c: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Condition', 'Capsule Start','Capsule End','Capsule Is Uncertain']. To detail the capsule of the known reference profile capsule. threshold: float 0 to 1 float to set similarity cutoff for found capsules. normalise: bool Set normalisation of the input data to the algo. sim_: bool Set to return similar or dis-similar results. Returns ------- found_all_sorted: numpy.ndarray numpy array of three columns 1st = found capsules similarity measurement (float 0 to 1) 2nd = integer index of each found capsule relative to data_pull 3rd = integer describing the duration/length of the found capsule (each integer is defined by griding in 'pull_mps_data') """ found_list_overall = [] found_sim_overall = [] found_length_overall = [] found_cap_known = [] var_columns = [] for var_1 in data_pull.columns[:-1]: for cap_ in range(data_pull_known.shape[0]): var_columns.append(str(var_1) + '_' + str(cap_)) # loop on the known capsules for capsule_ in range(data_pull_known.shape[0]): max_ = 0 known, knownlength = known_select(data_pull_c, data_pull_known, capsule_) # no window step therefore = 1 window_step = 1 for var in data_pull.columns[:-1]: chosen_var_list = data_pull.columns[:-1] qry = known[var].to_numpy() # capture max distance max_v = mts.mass(qry, qry * -1, normalize_query=normalise) if not isinstance(max_v, float): max_v = mts.mass(qry, np.zeros(len(qry)), normalize_query=normalise) if not isinstance(max_v, float): if normalise: max_v = float(len(qry)) else: max_v = float(np.max(qry) * len(qry)) max_ += max_v ts = data_pull[var].to_numpy() new_dist = (mts.mass(ts, qry, normalize_query=normalise)) # size for addition if var == chosen_var_list[0]: total_dist = np.zeros(new_dist.shape[0]) if capsule_ == 0: meta_data = pd.DataFrame(index=[*range(len(new_dist))], columns=var_columns) # Totalise distances to find best multi variate match if np.inf not in new_dist and True not in np.isnan(new_dist): total_dist += new_dist meta_data[str(var) + '_' + str(capsule_)] = pd.Series(new_dist) found_cap_known.append(capsule_) # sort distances and prepare results to index to og data set found_list, found_sim = sort_and_prepare_results(data_pull, total_dist, window_step, threshold, known, sim_, max_) found_length = [knownlength for x in range(len(found_list))] capsule_listgen = [capsule_ for x in range(len(found_list))] found_list_overall.extend(found_list) found_sim_overall.extend(found_sim) found_length_overall.extend(found_length) found_cap_known.extend(capsule_listgen) if known.index[0] >= data_pull.index[0] and known.index[-1] <= data_pull.index[-1]: # known add in to filter out found_list_overall.extend([data_pull.index.get_loc(known.index[0])]) found_sim_overall.extend([1000]) found_length_overall.extend([knownlength]) found_all_sorted = sorted(zip(found_sim_overall, found_list_overall, found_length_overall, found_cap_known, found_cap_known), reverse=True) found_all_sorted = np.asarray(found_all_sorted) found_all_sorted = pd.DataFrame(found_all_sorted) for e in range(0, min(1000, found_all_sorted.shape[0])): if e < found_all_sorted.shape[0]: item = found_all_sorted.iloc[e, 1] shape = found_all_sorted.iloc[e, 2] min_window = item - shape max_window = item + shape found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted[ (found_all_sorted[1] == item) | (found_all_sorted[1] > max_window) | (found_all_sorted[1] < min_window) ] else: break found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted[found_all_sorted.iloc[:, 0] != 1000] for var in data_pull.columns[:-1]: found_all_sorted[len(found_all_sorted.columns)] = 0 for i in found_all_sorted.index: loc_c = str(var) + '_' + str(found_all_sorted[3][i])[0] loc_i = found_all_sorted[1][i] if meta_data[loc_c][loc_i] < 99999999999999999: found_all_sorted[len(found_all_sorted.columns) - 1][i] = meta_data[loc_c][loc_i] found_all_sorted['sum'] = found_all_sorted.loc[:, 5:].sum(axis=1) if found_all_sorted.shape[0] == 0: return found_all_sorted else: found_all_sorted.loc[:, 5:] = found_all_sorted.loc[:, 5:].div(found_all_sorted["sum"], axis=0) * 100 found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted.drop("sum", 1) found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted.to_numpy() return found_all_sorted
[docs]def seeq_mps_dtw(data_pull, data_pull_c, data_pull_known, threshold, normalise, sim_, time_distort): """ This function measures the distance between the reference and search space time series data over one or many window size/durations. This is achieved by utilising the dynamic time warping algorithm, which searches for the smallest distance from each data point to a corresponding reference data point within an assigned search window. This function window steps through the search area calculating a distance for each time period. It loops through all the variables in the dataset and sums the distances into an accumulative distance measurement for each step. The function can be instructed to normalise the data before measurement. Then the distance scores are converted to % similarity compared to minimum possible distance (zero) and the maximum distance (largest of the inverse of its self or maximum found distance). Finally the % of each variable/signal contribution to the similarity measurement is calculated. This function is intended to be applied to continuous process data. Technical reference Parameters ---------- data_pull: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area. data_pull_c: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Condition', 'Capsule Start','Capsule End','Capsule Is Uncertain']. To detail the capsule of the known reference profile capsule. threshold: float 0 to 1 float to set similarity cutoff for found capsules. normalise: bool Set normalisation of the input data to the algo. sim_: bool Set to return similar or dis-similar results. time_distort: float 0 to 1 float to set % of time distortion of the searching window length in the window stepping of the algo. Returns ------- found_all_sorted: numpy.ndarray numpy array of three columns 1st = found capsules similarity measurement (float 0 to 1) 2nd = integer index of each found capsule relative to data_pull 3rd = integer describing the duration/length of the found capsule (each integer is defined by griding in 'pull_mps_data') """ time_distort = int(time_distort * 100) found_list_overall = [] found_sim_overall = [] found_length_overall = [] found_cap_known = [] var_columns = [] found_time_dist_overall = [] # loop on the known capsules for capsule_ in range(data_pull_known.shape[0]): max_ = 0 known, knownlength = known_select(data_pull_c, data_pull_known, capsule_) for time_distort_ in range(0, 1 + time_distort, 1): search_size_stretch = int(known.shape[0] * (time_distort_ / 100)) # size of steps taken during dtw distance measurement across the dataset window_step = int(round(len(known) * 0.05)) if window_step <= 0: window_step = 1 for var in data_pull.columns[:-1]: chosen_var_list = data_pull.columns[:-1] qry = known[var].to_numpy() # capture max distance # normalise data if normalise: qry = stats.zscore(qry) if True in np.isnan(qry): qry = np.zeros(len(qry)) max_ += dtw.distance_fast(qry, (-1 * qry), window=round(known.shape[0] * (10 / 100))) ts = data_pull[var].to_numpy() dist = [] # normalise data if normalise: qry = stats.zscore(qry) ts = stats.zscore(ts) if True in np.isnan(qry): qry = np.zeros(len(qry)) if True in np.isnan(ts): ts = np.zeros(len(ts)) # loop over window size of known length for i in range(0, (ts.shape[0] - known.shape[0]), window_step): if i - search_size_stretch < 0: temp_start = i else: temp_start = i - search_size_stretch target = ts[temp_start:i + known.shape[0] + search_size_stretch] distance = dtw.distance_fast(qry, target, window=round(known.shape[0] * (10 / 100))) dist.append(distance) # size for cost function addition from zero if var == chosen_var_list[0]: total_dist = np.zeros(len(dist)) if capsule_ == 0 and time_distort_ == 0: meta_data = pd.DataFrame(index=[*range(len(dist))], columns=var_columns) # Totalise distances to find best multi variate match if np.inf not in dist and True not in np.isnan(dist): total_dist += dist meta_data[str(var) + '_' + str(capsule_) + str(time_distort_)] = pd.Series(dist) # sort distances and prepare results to index to og data set found_list, found_sim = sort_and_prepare_results(data_pull, total_dist, window_step, threshold, known, sim_, max_) found_length = [knownlength + (2 * search_size_stretch) for x in range(len(found_list))] found_list_overall.extend(found_list) found_sim_overall.extend(found_sim) found_length_overall.extend(found_length) time_distort_listgen = [time_distort_ for x in range(len(found_list))] found_time_dist_overall.extend(time_distort_listgen) capsule_listgen = [capsule_ for x in range(len(found_list))] found_cap_known.extend(capsule_listgen) if known.index[0] >= data_pull.index[0] and known.index[-1] <= data_pull.index[-1]: # known add in to filter out found_list_overall.extend([data_pull.index.get_loc(known.index[0])]) found_sim_overall.extend([1000]) found_length_overall.extend([knownlength]) found_all_sorted = sorted(zip(found_sim_overall, found_list_overall, found_length_overall, found_cap_known, found_time_dist_overall), reverse=True) found_all_sorted = np.asarray(found_all_sorted) found_all_sorted = pd.DataFrame(found_all_sorted) for e in range(0, min(1000, found_all_sorted.shape[0])): if e < found_all_sorted.shape[0]: item = found_all_sorted.iloc[e, 1] # shape = found_all_sorted.iloc[e,2] min_window = item - knownlength max_window = item + knownlength found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted[ (found_all_sorted.iloc[:, 1] == item) | (found_all_sorted.iloc[:, 1] > max_window) | (found_all_sorted.iloc[:, 1] < min_window) ] else: break found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted[found_all_sorted.iloc[:, 0] != 1000] for var in data_pull.columns[:-1]: found_all_sorted[len(found_all_sorted.columns)] = 0 for i in found_all_sorted.index: loc_c = str(var) + '_' + str(found_all_sorted[3][i])[0] + str(found_all_sorted[4][i])[0] loc_i = int(found_all_sorted[1][i]) found_all_sorted[len(found_all_sorted.columns) - 1][i] = meta_data[loc_c][int(loc_i / window_step)] found_all_sorted['sum'] = found_all_sorted.loc[:, 5:].sum(axis=1) if found_all_sorted.shape[0] == 0: return found_all_sorted else: found_all_sorted.loc[:, 5:] = found_all_sorted.loc[:, 5:].div(found_all_sorted["sum"], axis=0) * 100 found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted.drop("sum", 1) found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted.drop_duplicates(subset=[1]) found_all_sorted = found_all_sorted.to_numpy() return found_all_sorted
[docs]def seeq_mps_dtw_batch(batch_cond, data_pull, data_pull_c, data_pull_known, normalise, time_distort): """ This function is similar to the "seeq_mps_dtw" function but instead of window stepping through the entire search area it only measures the distance between two time series datasets for each capsule in the batch condition. This function is intended to be applied to batch process data. Parameters ---------- batch_cond: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" conditions requested to be analysed with index of (x, ..., Y) and columns of at least Capsule Start, Capsule End. This dataframe has all the data for the batches capsules required. data_pull: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area data_pull_c: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the reference profile. data_pull_known: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Condition', 'Capsule Start','Capsule End','Capsule Is Uncertain']. To detail the capsule of the known reference profile capsule. normalise: bool Set normalisation of the input data to the algo. time_distort: float 0 to 1 float to set % of time distortion of the searching window length in the window stepping of the algo. Returns ------- batch_sim_df: pd.DataFrame A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Similarity', 'Date-Time']. This has the resulting similarity measure of each defined capsule with the centered datetime """ time_distort = int(time_distort * 100) meta_data = pd.DataFrame(index=batch_cond.index, columns=data_pull.columns[:-1]) # loop on the known capsules for capsule_ in range(data_pull_known.shape[0]): max_ = 0 known, knownlength = known_select(data_pull_c, data_pull_known, capsule_) for var in data_pull.columns[:-1]: chosen_var_list = data_pull.columns[:-1] qry = known[var].to_numpy() # capture max distance if normalise: try: if (qry.max() - qry.min()) == 0: pass else: qry = (qry - qry.min()) / (qry.max() - qry.min()) except: pass max_ += dtw.distance_fast(qry, (-1 * qry)) dist = [] for b in batch_cond.index: ts = data_pull[data_pull['Date-Time'] > batch_cond['Capsule Start'][b]] ts = ts[ts['Date-Time'] < batch_cond['Capsule End'][b]] # normalise data if level doesnt matter, only shape ts = ts[var].to_numpy() if ts.shape[0] < int(qry.shape[0] * 0.25): print("Input capsule as too few data points, please remove capsule starting at " + str(batch_cond['Capsule Start'][b])) pass else: if normalise: if (qry.max() - qry.min()) == 0 or (ts.max() - ts.min()) == 0: pass else: qry = (qry - qry.min()) / (qry.max() - qry.min()) ts = (ts - ts.min()) / (ts.max() - ts.min()) distance = dtw.distance_fast(qry, ts, window=int(len(qry) * (2 * time_distort / 100))) meta_data[var][b] = distance dist.append(distance) # size for cost function addition from zero if var == chosen_var_list[0]: total_dist = np.zeros(len(dist)) # Totalise distances to find best multi variate match if np.inf not in dist and True not in np.isnan(dist): total_dist += dist total_dist_df = pd.DataFrame(total_dist, columns=['distance']) min_ = 0 total_dist_df.distance.replace(np.inf, max_, inplace=True) total_dist_df.distance = (total_dist_df.distance - min_) / (max_ - min_) total_dist_df.distance.where(total_dist_df.distance <= 1, 1, inplace=True) total_dist = np.asarray(total_dist_df) if capsule_ == 0: found_sim_overall = total_dist else: for i in range(len(found_sim_overall)): if total_dist[i] < found_sim_overall[i]: found_sim_overall[i] = total_dist[i] batch_sim_df = pd.DataFrame(found_sim_overall, columns=['Similarity']) batch_sim_df['Similarity'] = (batch_sim_df['Similarity']) * 100 batch_sim_df['Date-Time'] = batch_cond['Capsule Start'] + ( batch_cond['Capsule End'] - batch_cond['Capsule Start']) / 2 batch_sim_df.index = pd.to_datetime(batch_sim_df['Date-Time']) batch_sim_df = batch_sim_df.drop('Date-Time', 1) meta_data.columns = "% Contribution to Dissimilarity from " + meta_data.columns meta_data['sum'] = meta_data.sum(axis=1) for c in meta_data.columns[:-1]: for i in meta_data.index: if meta_data['sum'][i] == 0: pass else: meta_data[c][i] = meta_data[c][i] / meta_data['sum'][i] * 100 # meta_data= meta_data.div(meta_data["sum"], axis=0)*100 meta_data = meta_data.drop("sum", 1) meta_data.index = batch_sim_df.index batch_sim_df = pd.concat([batch_sim_df, meta_data], axis=1) return batch_sim_df
[docs]def push_mps_results_batch(batch_sim_df, workbook_id, condition_name, Sheet_index): """ This function pushes the % similarity score as a % dis-similarity time series signal to a new worksheet within the desired workbook in the case mps is in batch mode. In addition each variable's % contribution to the dis-similarity is also pushes as a signal per variable. Parameters ---------- batch_sim_df: pd.DataFrame A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of ['Similarity', 'Date-Time']. This has the resulting similarity measure of each defined capsule with the centered datetime. workbook_id : str The Seeq ID of the source workbook condition_name: str Name of condition to leverage in the pushed item names. Sheet_index: int Integer detailing the index of the source worksheet. Returns ------- end: bool Indicator for UI to display successful ending. """ batch_sim_df.rename(columns={"Similarity": condition_name + "_Dissimilarity_measure"}, inplace=True) for col_name in batch_sim_df.columns: if 'Contribution' in col_name: batch_sim_df.rename(columns={col_name: col_name + " " + condition_name}, inplace=True) # get info from worksheet before push overwrites wb_id ={'ID': workbook_id}, quiet=True ) workbook = spy.workbooks.pull(wb_id, include_referenced_workbooks=False, include_inventory=False, quiet=True, errors='catalog' )[0] worksheet_og = workbook.worksheets[Sheet_index] current_display_items = worksheet_og.display_items worksheet_name = "MPS results " + str("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")) # push similarity signal push_result_2 = spy.push(data=batch_sim_df, workbook=workbook_id, worksheet=worksheet_name, quiet=True ) # push worksheet back in after overwrite new_display_items = pd.concat([current_display_items, push_result_2], axis=0, sort=True) lane_ = current_display_items[current_display_items['Samples Display'] == 'Line']['Lane'].max() workbook = spy.workbooks.pull(wb_id, include_referenced_workbooks=False, include_inventory=False, quiet=True, errors='catalog' )[0] lane_count = 1 for name in batch_sim_df.columns: i = new_display_items.loc[new_display_items['Name'] == name].index[0] new_display_items["Samples Display"].loc[i] = "Bars" new_display_items["Line Width"].loc[i] = 40 new_display_items["Lane"].loc[i] = lane_ + lane_count lane_count += 1 workbook.worksheets[worksheet_name].display_items = new_display_items workbook.worksheets[worksheet_name].display_range = worksheet_og.display_range spy.workbooks.push(workbook, quiet=True) push_result_2["Value Unit Of Measure"] = "%" push_result_2["Maximum Interpolation"] = "1 sec" spy.push(metadata=push_result_2, quiet=True) end = True return end
[docs]def push_mps_results( Return_top_x, min_idx_multivar, data_pull, workbook_id, condition_name, Sheet_index, grid): """ This function pushes the % similarity score as a % dis-similarity time series signal to a new worksheet within the desired workbook in the case mps is in continuous mode. In addition each variable's % contribution to the dis-similarity is also pushes as a signal per variable. Parameters ---------- Return_top_x: int Variable to limit number of top found capsules. min_idx_multivar: numpy.ndarray numpy array of three columns 1st = found capsules similarity measurement (float 0 to 1) 2nd = integer index of each found capsule relative to data_pull 3rd = integer describing the duration/length of the found capsule (each integer is defined by griding in 'pull_mps_data') data_pull: pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A dataframe or series that minimally has columns of "X, ..., Y" signals requested to be pulled (detailed in items_s_ref input variable) and 'Date-Time' with an index of timestamps. [X, ..., Y,'Date-Time']. This dataframe has all the time series data for the analysis/search area. workbook_id : str The Seeq ID of the source workbook. condition_name: str Name of condition to leverage in the pushed item names. Sheet_index: int Integer detailing the index of the source worksheet. grid: str Resolution/griding of the spy pull. Returns ------- end: bool Indicator for UI to display successful ending. """ worksheet_name = "MPS results " + str("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")) grid_ = {'1sec': 1, '10sec': 10, '30sec': 30, '1min': 60, '5min': 300, '10min': 600, '30min': 1800}[grid] # if less than requested top results if len(min_idx_multivar) == 0: print("No Results Found") else: # Prep and unzip found data found_list = min_idx_multivar[:Return_top_x, 1].tolist() sim_list = min_idx_multivar[:Return_top_x, 0].tolist() known_length_list = min_idx_multivar[:Return_top_x, 2].tolist() # use index to find datetime push_cond = pd.DataFrame(data_pull['Date-Time'].iloc[found_list]) push_cond.columns = ["Capsule Start"] push_cond["Capsule End"] = push_cond["Capsule Start"] # add by known length for i in range(len(known_length_list)): push_cond["Capsule End"].iloc[i] = push_cond["Capsule Start"].iloc[i] + timedelta( seconds=known_length_list[i] * grid_) push_cond = push_cond.reset_index(drop=True) push_cond['Date-Time'] = pd.to_datetime(push_cond.index) push_cond['Similarity'] = sim_list # get info from worksheet before push overwrites wb_id ={'ID': workbook_id}, quiet=True ) workbook = spy.workbooks.pull(wb_id, include_referenced_workbooks=False, include_inventory=False, quiet=True, errors='catalog' )[0] worksheet_og = workbook.worksheets[Sheet_index] current_display_items = worksheet_og.display_items lane_ = current_display_items[current_display_items['Samples Display'] == 'Line']['Lane'].max() # push found conditions push_cond.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) push_result = spy.push(data=push_cond, workbook=workbook_id, worksheet=worksheet_name, metadata=pd.DataFrame([{ 'Name': condition_name, 'Type': 'Condition', 'Maximum Duration': '20d' }]), quiet=True ) # create dataframe to push similarity signal push_sig = pd.DataFrame(min_idx_multivar).drop([1, 2, 3, 4], 1) push_sig = push_sig.iloc[:Return_top_x] temp_c_list = data_pull.columns[:-1] temp_c_list = ["% Contribution to Dissimilarity from " + x + " " + condition_name for x in temp_c_list] name_ = condition_name + "_Dissimilarity_measure" temp_c_list.insert(0, name_) push_sig.columns = temp_c_list push_sig['temp'] = push_cond["Capsule Start"] for i in range(len(known_length_list)): push_sig['temp'].iloc[i] = push_sig['temp'].iloc[i] + ( timedelta(seconds=(known_length_list[i]) / 2) * grid_) push_sig.index = pd.to_datetime(push_sig.temp) push_sig = push_sig.drop('temp', 1) # change to dissimilarity push_sig[name_] = 100 - push_sig[name_] # push similarity signal push_result_2 = spy.push(data=push_sig, workbook=workbook_id, worksheet=worksheet_name, quiet=True ) push_result_2["Value Unit Of Measure"] = "%" push_result_2["Maximum Interpolation"] = "1 sec" spy.push(metadata=push_result_2, quiet=True) # push worksheet back in after overwrite new_display_items = pd.concat([current_display_items, push_result, push_result_2], axis=0, sort=True) workbook = spy.workbooks.pull(wb_id, include_referenced_workbooks=False, include_inventory=False, quiet=True, errors='catalog' )[0] lane_count = 1 for name in push_sig.columns: i = new_display_items.loc[new_display_items['Name'] == name].index[0] new_display_items["Samples Display"].loc[i] = "Bars" new_display_items["Line Width"].loc[i] = 40 new_display_items["Lane"].loc[i] = lane_ + lane_count lane_count += 1 new_display_items.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) workbook.worksheets[worksheet_name].display_items = new_display_items workbook.worksheets[worksheet_name].display_range = worksheet_og.display_range spy.workbooks.push(workbook, quiet=True) end = True return end