import os
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
from getpass import getpass
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from seeq import spy, sdk
from ._copy import copy
from .utils import sanitize_sdl_url
from .utils import get_datalab_project_id, addon_tool_management
NB_EXTENSIONS = ['widgetsnbextension', 'ipyvuetify', 'ipyvue']
DEPLOYMENT_FOLDER = 'deployment'
MPS_NOTEBOOK = "multivariate_pattern_search_ui.ipynb"
DEFAULT_GROUP = ['Everyone']
[docs]def install_app(sdl_url_, *, sort_key=None, permissions_group: list = None, permissions_users: list = None):
Installs seeq-mps as an Add-on Tool in Seeq Workbench
sdl_url_: str
URL of the SDL container.
sort_key: str, default None
A string, typically one character letter. The sort_key determines the
order in which the Add-on Tools are displayed in the tool panel
permissions_group: list
Names of the Seeq groups that will have access to each tool
permissions_users: list
Names of Seeq users that will have access to each tool
-: None
mps Analysis will appear as Add-on Tool(s) in Seeq
sdl_url_ = sanitize_sdl_url(sdl_url_)
if sort_key is None:
sort_key = 'm'
permissions_group = permissions_group if permissions_group else DEFAULT_GROUP
permissions_users = permissions_users if permissions_users else DEFAULT_USERS
mps_details = {
"Name": 'Multivariate Pattern Search',
"Description": "Finds and measures similar events defined across multiple variables",
"Icon": "fa fa-leaf",
"Target URL": f'{sdl_url_}/apps/{DEPLOYMENT_FOLDER}/{MPS_NOTEBOOK}?'
"Link Type": "window",
"Window Details": "toolbar=0,location=0,scrollbars=1,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,height=900,width=600",
"Sort Key": sort_key,
"Reuse Window": True,
"Groups": permissions_group,
"Users": permissions_users
copy(des_folder=DEPLOYMENT_FOLDER, src_folder='deployment_notebook',
overwrite_folder=False, overwrite_contents=True)
spy.addons.install(mps_details, include_workbook_parameters=True, update_tool=True, update_permissions=True)
def install_nbextensions():
for extension in NB_EXTENSIONS:'jupyter nbextension install --user --py {extension}', cwd=os.path.expanduser('~'), shell=True,
check=True)'jupyter nbextension enable --user --py {extension}', cwd=os.path.expanduser('~'), shell=True,
[docs]def cli_interface():
""" Installs MPS as a Seeq Add-on Tool """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Install MPS as a Seeq Add-on Tool')
parser.add_argument('--nbextensions_only', action='store_true',
help='Only installs the nbextensions without installing or updating the Add-on Tools'
parser.add_argument('--username', type=str,
help='Username or Access Key of Seeq admin user installing the tool(s) ')
parser.add_argument('--seeq_url', type=str, nargs='?',
help="Seeq hostname URL with the format or")
parser.add_argument('--users', type=str, nargs='*', default=[],
help="List of the Seeq users to will have access to the MPS Add-on Tool,"
" default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument('--groups', type=str, nargs='*', default=['Everyone'],
help="List of the Seeq groups to will have access to the MPS Add-on Tool, "
"default: %(default)s")
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = cli_interface()
if args.nbextensions_only:
print("\n\nInstalling and enabling nbextensions")
user = args.username
if user is None:
user = input("\nAccess Key or Username: ")
passwd = getpass("Access Key Password: ")
spy.login(username=user, password=passwd, ignore_ssl_errors=True)
seeq_url = args.seeq_url
if seeq_url is None:
seeq_url = input(f"\n Seeq base URL [{'/api')[0]}]: ")
if seeq_url == '':
seeq_url ='/api')[0]
url_parsed = urlparse(seeq_url)
seeq_url_base = f"{url_parsed.scheme}://{url_parsed.netloc}"
project_id = spy.utils.get_data_lab_project_id()
sdl_url = f'{seeq_url_base}/data-lab/{project_id}'
if project_id is None:
print("\nThe project ID could not be found. Please provide the SDL project URL with the format "
sdl_url = input("Seeq Data Lab project URL: ")
project_id = get_datalab_project_id(sanitize_sdl_url(sdl_url), sdk.ItemsApi(spy.client))
if not project_id:
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not install "seeq-mps" because the SDL project ID could not be found')
sdl_url_sanitized = sanitize_sdl_url(sdl_url)
print(f"\nThe MPS Tool will be installed on the SDL notebook: {sdl_url_sanitized}\n"
f"If this is not your intent, you can quit the installation now ")
print('\n[enter] to continue or type "quit" to exit installation')
choice = None
while choice != '' and choice != 'quit':
choice = input()
if choice == '':
print("\n\nInstalling and enabling nbextensions")
install_app(sdl_url_sanitized, permissions_group=args.groups, permissions_users=args.users)
elif choice == 'quit':
print("\nExited installation")
print(f'\nCommand "{choice}" is not valid')
print('\n[enter] to continue the installation or type "quit" to exit installation')