# Changelog v0.1.96 --- Bug fix for long signal name leading to duplicates dropped in heatmap plot v0.1.95 --- Minor updates to addon manager packaging v0.1.9 --- Fucntions to package Correlation for use in addon manager v0.1.8 --- Removed requirement for nb extention install `plotlywidget` in `main.py`. Streamlined requirements for `dask`, complete not needed and thus removed. v0.1.7 --- Removed depreciated `sklearn` in requirements. v0.1.6 --- Added `spy.session.public_url` and `spy.session.private_url` to URL generation functions in utils v0.1.5 --- Bug fix to `spy.pull` quite arg in `_sdl.py` in utils v0.1.4 --- Exposed `seeq.addons.correlation.utils` functions v0.1.3 --- Refactored the add-on installation to use `spy.addons.install` instead of local code v0.1.2 --- Initial open-source version of **seeq-correlation** (+docs fixes) v0.1.1 --- Initial open-source version of **seeq-correlation** (+docs fixes) v0.1.0 --- Initial open-source version of **seeq-correlation**