Source code for seeq.addons.correlation._preprocessor

import types
import copy
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import numpy as np
import pickle
import warnings
from memoization import cached
# There is a bug that prevents to correctly memorize a pandas.DataFrame
# Thus, all functions that use the @cached decorator need to accept serialized dataframes (pickle is a good option)
from ._config import _cache_max_items

FUNC_PROP = 'func'
GRID_PROP = 'grid'
SUMMARY_PROP = 'summary'
QUERY_DF_PROP = 'query_df'
KWARGS_PROP = 'kwargs'
START_PROP = 'start'
END_PROP = 'end'
TZ_PROP = 'tz_convert'
STATUS_PROP = 'status'

def _reformat_time_delta(time_delta: pd.Timedelta) -> str:
    days = time_delta.days
    hours, rem = divmod(time_delta.seconds, 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)

    total_hours = days * 24 + hours
    return f"{total_hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}"

def _validate_df(df):
    if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        raise TypeError("Expecting a dataframe, {} passed".format(type(df)))

    if len(df) <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Dataframe is empty")

    if len(df.columns) == 0:
        raise ValueError("There are zero signals in the dataframe")
    is_number = np.vectorize(lambda x: np.issubdtype(x, np.number))
    col_types = is_number(df.dtypes)
    non_numeric_cols = list(df.columns[list(np.where(~np.array(col_types))[0])])
    if not all(item for item in col_types):
        raise ValueError(f"All columns in dataframe must be numeric. Check columns={non_numeric_cols}")

            getattr(df, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY) is None:

        df_spy_properties = {
            'grid': getattr(df, GRID_PROP) if hasattr(df, GRID_PROP) else None,
            'query_df': getattr(df, QUERY_DF_PROP) if hasattr(df, QUERY_DF_PROP) else None,
            'kwargs': getattr(df, KWARGS_PROP) if hasattr(df, KWARGS_PROP) else None,
            'func': getattr(df, FUNC_PROP) if hasattr(df, FUNC_PROP) else None,
            'start': getattr(df, START_PROP) if hasattr(df, START_PROP) else None,
            'end': getattr(df, END_PROP) if hasattr(df, END_PROP) else None,
            'tz_convert': getattr(df, TZ_PROP) if hasattr(df, TZ_PROP) else None,
            'status': getattr(df, STATUS_PROP) if hasattr(df, STATUS_PROP) else None,


        properties = types.SimpleNamespace(**df_spy_properties)
        setattr(df, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY, properties)
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        if DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY not in df._metadata:
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember

    namespace = getattr(df, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY)
    if not namespace.grid:
            "'DataFrame' object has 'spy.grid=None'. An attempt to infer the sampling frequency will be made")
        if not pd.infer_freq(df.index):
            raise ValueError("Sampling period could not be inferred. "
                             "It looks like the dataframe does not have a uniform grid. Try pulling the data using"
                             "spy.pull with a `grid` value and make sure that there are no invalid values in the"
                             "time period of interest")

[docs]def attach_summary(df, summary): """ This functions adds the summary of a pre-processing operation as property of the DataFrame that contains the data. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. summary: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame of exactly one column with the summary of the pre-processing step and signal names as index. Returns ------- df: pandas.DataFrame The input DataFrame with a preprocessing container attached as metadata. Notes ------ This function modifies the input DataFrame by adding or updating the `preprocessing.summary` property. """ if len(df.columns) > len(summary): columns = df.columns else: columns = summary.index try: namespace = getattr(df, DATAFRAME_PREPROCESSING_CONTAINER) if namespace.summary is not None: summary_df = copy.deepcopy(namespace.summary) cols = list(summary_df.columns) else: summary_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[], index=columns) cols = [] except AttributeError: summary_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[], index=columns) cols = [] if len(summary.columns) != 1: raise ValueError("Expecting a dataframe of exactly one column") if summary.columns[0] in summary_df: new_summary = copy.deepcopy(summary_df) new_summary.update(summary) else: new_summary = summary_df.join(summary) if summary.columns[0] not in cols: cols += [summary.columns[0]] new_summary.replace('', '-', inplace=True) new_summary.fillna('-', inplace=True) # noinspection PyProtectedMember if DATAFRAME_PREPROCESSING_CONTAINER not in df._metadata: # noinspection PyProtectedMember df._metadata.append(DATAFRAME_PREPROCESSING_CONTAINER) # cols helps to keep the order of the columns summary_namespace = types.SimpleNamespace(summary=new_summary[cols]) setattr(df, DATAFRAME_PREPROCESSING_CONTAINER, summary_namespace)
@cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_standardization(df_serialized): df = _pickled_non_numeric(df_serialized, True) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() names = df.columns index = df.index scaler = StandardScaler() scaled_df = scaler.fit_transform(df) scaled_df = pd.DataFrame(scaled_df, index=index, columns=names) # noinspection PyProtectedMember for x in df._metadata: if x in df.__dict__.keys(): value = df.__getattr__(x) scaled_df.__setattr__(x, value) # noinspection PyProtectedMember if x not in scaled_df._metadata: # noinspection PyProtectedMember scaled_df._metadata += [x] return scaled_df @cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_interpolate(df_serialized, consecutivenans): df = pickle.loads(df_serialized) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() percentages = df.isna().mean() limit = int(len(df) * consecutivenans) if limit == 0: interpolated_df = copy.deepcopy(df) else: interpolated_df = df.interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='both', limit=limit) new_percentages = interpolated_df.isna().mean() = 'Initial Invalid (%)' = 'Invalid after Interpolation (%)' attach_summary(interpolated_df, np.round(percentages.to_frame() * 100, 2)) attach_summary(interpolated_df, np.round(new_percentages.to_frame() * 100, 2)) return interpolated_df @cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_flat_lines(df_serialized): # df = pickle.loads(df_serialized) df = _pickled_non_numeric(df_serialized, True) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() # dff = df.diff() keep = list(df.describe().loc['std'][df.describe().loc['std'] != 0].index) remove = list(df.describe().loc['std'][df.describe().loc['std'] == 0].index) if len(remove) > 0: warnings.warn("The signals {} appear to be flat lines and have been removed from the analysis".format(remove)) df_out = df[keep] summary = ["Yes (removed)" if x in remove else "No" for x in df.columns] local_summary = pd.DataFrame(data=summary, columns=['Flat Signal?'], index=df.columns) attach_summary(df_out, local_summary) return df_out @cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_gaps(df_serialized, percent_nan): df = pickle.loads(df_serialized) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() percentages = df.isna().mean() marked_for_removal = percentages[percentages > percent_nan] cols_to_remove = list(marked_for_removal.index) dff = copy.deepcopy(df.drop(labels=cols_to_remove, axis=1)) if len(cols_to_remove) > 0: warnings.warn(f"The signals {cols_to_remove} have been removed from the analysis since they have " f"more than {percent_nan * 100:.2f}% invalid values") summary = ["Yes (removed)" if x in cols_to_remove else "No" for x in df.columns] local_summary = pd.DataFrame(data=summary, columns=['Gaps in Signal?'], index=df.columns) attach_summary(dff, local_summary) return dff @cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_non_numeric(df_serialized, auto_remove): df = pickle.loads(df_serialized) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() types = df.infer_objects().dtypes types_dict = types.to_dict() non_numeric_signals = [k for k, v in types_dict.items() if == 'object'] if auto_remove: summary = ["No (removed)" if == 'object' else "Yes" for k, v in types_dict.items()] dff = copy.deepcopy(df.drop(labels=non_numeric_signals, axis=1)) if len(non_numeric_signals) > 0: warnings.warn( f"The signals {non_numeric_signals} have been removed from the analysis since they are non-numeric") else: summary = ["No (retained)" if == 'object' else "Yes" for k, v in types_dict.items()] dff = copy.deepcopy(df) if len(non_numeric_signals) > 0: warnings.warn( f"The signals {non_numeric_signals} have been detected as non-numeric but have not been removed." f"Use `auto_remove=True` to remove them from the dataframe") local_summary = pd.DataFrame(data=summary, columns=['Numeric Signal?'], index=df.columns) attach_summary(dff, local_summary) return dff @cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_duplicated_column_names(df_serialized): df = pickle.loads(df_serialized) _validate_df(df) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() cols = pd.Series(df.columns) for dup in cols[cols.duplicated()].unique(): cols[cols[cols == dup].index.values.tolist()] = [dup + '.' + str(i) if i != 0 else dup for i in range(sum(cols == dup))] if hasattr(df, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY): namespace = getattr(df, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY) if namespace.query_df is not None: if list(df.columns) == list(namespace.query_df['Name'].values): namespace.query_df['New Name'] = cols # rename the columns with the cols list. df.columns = cols return df @cached(max_size=_cache_max_items) def _pickled_sampling_info(df_serialized, sampling_ratio_threshold, remove=False): keyword = 'tagged' if remove: keyword = 'removed' df = pickle.loads(df_serialized) _validate_df(df) if df.empty: return pd.DataFrame() dff = copy.deepcopy(df) if hasattr(dff, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY): namespace = getattr(df, DATAFRAME_METADATA_CONTAINER_FROM_SPY) if namespace.kwargs is None or 'items' not in namespace.kwargs or 'New Name' not in namespace.query_df.columns: return dff if 'Estimated Sample Period' not in namespace.kwargs['items']: return dff summary_sampling_period = pd.DataFrame(data=namespace.kwargs['items']['Estimated Sample Period'].values, columns=['Original Sampling Period'], index=namespace.query_df['New Name'].values) summary_sampling_period['Original Sampling Period'] = summary_sampling_period['Original Sampling Period'].apply( _reformat_time_delta) attach_summary(dff, summary_sampling_period) if hasattr(namespace, GRID_PROP): if namespace.grid is None: return dff grid = pd.Timedelta(namespace.grid) ratio_sampling_periods = pd.DataFrame( data=namespace.kwargs['items']['Estimated Sample Period'].values / grid, columns=['Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)'], index=namespace.query_df['New Name'].values) remove_signals = ratio_sampling_periods['Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)'][ (ratio_sampling_periods['Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)'] > sampling_ratio_threshold) | (ratio_sampling_periods['Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)'] < 1 / sampling_ratio_threshold) ].index remove_signals = [x for x in remove_signals if x in dff.columns] summary = [f'{row["Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)"]} ({keyword})' if index in remove_signals else f'{row["Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)"]} (previously removed)' if index not in dff.columns else f'{row["Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)"]}' for index, row in ratio_sampling_periods.iterrows()] ratio_sampling_periods['Ratio of sampling periods (raw/gridded)'] = summary if remove: dff = copy.deepcopy(dff.drop(labels=remove_signals, axis=1)) attach_summary(dff, ratio_sampling_periods) return dff
[docs]def standardization(df): """ Scales the data in the DataFrame to zero mean and unit variance Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A pickled DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. Returns -------- scaled_df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a the scaled signals as columns and date-time as the index. Notes ------ A summary of how this function modified or tagged signals in the dataframe can be accessed in the property `scaled_df.preprocessing.summary`. """ return _pickled_standardization(pickle.dumps(df))
[docs]def interpolate_nans(df, consecutivenans=0.05): """ Interpolates invalid values (linearly) per signal only if the percentage of consecutive invalid values with respect to the total number of samples is less than the specified threshold. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. consecutivenans: float, default 0.05 percentage of the total number of samples that the interpolator will fill consecutive invalid values. Returns -------- interpolated_df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame with the interpolated values (if applicable) Notes ------ A summary of how this function modified or tagged signals in the dataframe can be accessed in the property `interpolated_df.preprocessing.summary`. """ return _pickled_interpolate(pickle.dumps(df), consecutivenans)
[docs]def remove_flat_lines(df): """ Find signals with zero variance (flat lines) and remove them from the input DataFrame Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. Returns --------- df_out: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame without the signals that are flat lines Notes ------ A summary of how this function modified or tagged signals in the dataframe can be accessed in the property `df_out.preprocessing.summary` """ return _pickled_flat_lines(pickle.dumps(df))
[docs]def remove_signals_with_missing_data(df, percent_nan=0.4): """ Removes columns from the dataframe that have a high percentage of missing data. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. percent_nan: float, default 0.4 Maximum percentage of invalid values (from the total number of samples) allowed in order to keep the signal in the DataFrame. Returns -------- dff: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame of the signals that have less than percent_nan of missing data. Notes ------ A summary of how this function modified or tagged signals in the dataframe can be accessed in the property `dff.preprocessing.summary`. """ return _pickled_gaps(pickle.dumps(df), percent_nan)
[docs]def remove_non_numeric(df, auto_remove=True): """ Removes non-numeric signals from the input DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. auto_remove: bool, default True Removes the non-numeric signals from the DataFrame if set to True. Otherwise, it just tags the signals. Returns -------- dff: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame of the signals that do not have non-numeric data Notes ------ A summary of how this function modified or tagged signals in the dataframe can be accessed in the property `dff.preprocessing.summary`. """ return _pickled_non_numeric(pickle.dumps(df), auto_remove)
[docs]def duplicated_column_names(df): """ Renames columns that have the same column name Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. Returns -------- dff: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame of the signals with unique column names """ return _pickled_duplicated_column_names(pickle.dumps(df))
[docs]def sampling_info(df, sampling_ratio_threshold, remove): """ Attaches sampling period information if available and removes or tags signals that have a high or low ratio of sampling period to gridded period. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. sampling_ratio_threshold: float Signals with a sampling rate ratio (raw/gridded) above sampling_ratio_threshold or below 1/sampling_ratio_threshold will be removed from the dataframe. remove: bool Removes signals whose sampling period is too different (set by sampling_ratio_threshold) from the median of sampling rates. Returns -------- dff: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame of the signals with unique column names """ return _pickled_sampling_info(pickle.dumps(df), sampling_ratio_threshold, remove)
[docs]def default_preprocessing_wrapper(df, consecutivenans=0.04, percent_nan=0.0, remove_disparate_sampled=False, sampling_ratio_threshold=4, bypass_processing=False): """ Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as the index. consecutivenans: float, default 0.01 percentage of the total number of samples that the interpolator will fill consecutive invalid values. percent_nan: float, default 0.0 Maximum percentage of invalid values (from the total number of samples) allowed in order to keep the signal in the DataFrame. remove_disparate_sampled: bool, default False Removes signals whose sampling period is too different (set by sampling_ratio_threshold) from the median of sampling rates sampling_ratio_threshold: float, default 2.5 Signals with a sampling rate ratio (raw/gridded) above sampling_ratio_threshold or below 1/sampling_ratio_threshold will be removed from the dataframe bypass_processing: bool, default False If true, pre-processing routines in this wrapper are by-passed. However, the _validate_df is still run to check that the dataframe is valid even if bypass_processing is set to True. Returns -------- dff: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame of the cleansed signals Notes ------ A summary of how this function modified or tagged signals in the dataframe can be accessed in the property `dff.preprocessing.summary` """ df = copy.deepcopy(df) df = duplicated_column_names(df) df = remove_non_numeric(df) if not bypass_processing: df = interpolate_nans(df, consecutivenans=consecutivenans) df = remove_signals_with_missing_data(df, percent_nan=percent_nan) df = remove_flat_lines(df) df = standardization(df) else: df = remove_flat_lines(df) df = standardization(df) df = sampling_info(df, sampling_ratio_threshold, remove=remove_disparate_sampled) _validate_df(df) return df