import pickle
import pandas as pd
from numpy.linalg.linalg import LinAlgError
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# There is a bug that prevents to correctly memorize a pandas.DataFrame
# Thus, all functions that use the @cached decorator need to accept serialized dataframes (pickle is a good option)
from memoization import cached
from ._config import _cache_max_items
from . import lags_coeffs
from . import default_preprocessing_wrapper
[docs]def pairplot(df, max_time_shift='auto', bypass_preprocessing=False):
Creates a n x n matrix of static plots for the n-signals in the input
dataframe with histograms in the diagonal of the matrix and density
contour plots in the off-diagonal locations.
The signals can be allowed to slide among each other to find the best
cross-correlation between signals.
df: pandas.DataFrame
A DataFrame that contains a set of signals as columns and date-time as
the index.
max_time_shift: {'auto', str, None}, default 'auto'
Maximum time (e.g. '15s', or '1min') that the signals are allowed to
slide in order to maximize cross-correlation. For times specified as a
str, normal time units are accepted. If 'auto' is selected, a default
maximum time shift is calculated based on the number of samples. If None,
the raw signals are used and no time shifts are calculated.
bypass_preprocessing: bool, default False
Whether the data pre-processing routine is by-passed or not. Setting it
to True is not recommended unless the data has been pre-processed
-: None
Displays a Plotly figure in Seeq DataLab with plots arrange in a n x n
Create a plot matrix plot from the signals in the DataFrame allowing for
automatic guess of maximum time shifts
>>> seeq.addons.correlation.pairplot(df, max_time_shift='auto')
Create a plot matrix plot from the signals in the DataFrame specifying a
maximum time shift
between signals of 1 hour
>>> seeq.addons.correlation.pairplot(df, max_time_shift='1h')
Create a plot matrix plot from the signals in the DataFrame using the raw
data (no time shift allowed)
>>> seeq.addons.correlation.pairplot(df, max_time_shift=None)
df = default_preprocessing_wrapper(df, bypass_processing=bypass_preprocessing)
if max_time_shift is None:
lags = None
lags, coeffs, sampling_time, time_unit, maxlags = lags_coeffs(df, max_time_shift, 's')
_contour_matrix_diag_hist_static(pickle.dumps(df), lags_array_serialized=pickle.dumps(lags))
def _contour_matrix_diag_hist_static(df_serialized, lags_array_serialized=None):
This functions generates a contour plot matrix with diagonal histograms.
If a lags_array is provided, the signal in the x axis (of every subplot) will be shifted by the
number of lags specified in lags_array
:param signals_df: [dataframe] signals to plot
:param width: [int] size of the output figure in pixels
:param lags_array: [array] matrix (n x n) with the number of lags signals should be slided
:return: [obj] plotly figure object
signals_df = pickle.loads(df_serialized)
if lags_array_serialized is None:
lags_array = None
lags_array = pickle.loads(lags_array_serialized)
def scatter_shifted(x, y, **kwargs):
ax = plt.gca()
color = '#00B0F0'
j = list(signals_df.columns).index(
i = list(signals_df.columns).index(
if lags_array is not None:
x = x.shift(lags_array[i][j])
color = '#F47B37'
sns.scatterplot(x=x, y=y, ax=ax, s=5, color=color)
def contours_shifted(x, y, **kwargs):
ax1 = plt.gca()
j = list(signals_df.columns).index(
i = list(signals_df.columns).index(
shifted_df_pair = pd.concat([x, y], axis=1)
if lags_array is not None:
shifted_df_pair[] = x.shift(lags_array[i][j])
sns.kdeplot(x=shifted_df_pair[].values, y=shifted_df_pair[].values, ax=ax1, shade=True,
thresh=0.05, cmap=ListedColormap(sns.color_palette(colorscale).as_hex()))
except LinAlgError:
return scatter_shifted(x, y, **kwargs)
colorscale = ['#ffffff', '#e8ebef', '#7197B7', '#00B0F0', '#0070C0', '#002060']
histogram_color = '#068C45'
grid = sns.PairGrid(data=signals_df, despine=True)
if lags_array is None:
grid = grid.map_upper(sns.scatterplot, s=5, color='#00B0F0')
grid = grid.map_upper(sns.scatterplot, s=5, color='#00B0F0')
grid = grid.map_upper(scatter_shifted)
grid = grid.map_lower(contours_shifted)
grid = grid.map_diag(sns.histplot, kde=False, color=histogram_color)
for ax in grid.axes.flatten():
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0)
return grid