UI Components
- class seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components._app_layout.AppLayout(**kwargs)[source]
UI component - Layout of the Add-on
- template_file
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._app_layout.vue template
- Type
- spinner_message_title
Title of the message to display just before the spinner_message
- Type
str, default ‘’
- spinner_message
Message to display below the progress spinner
- Type
str, default ‘’
- spinner_message_visible
If True, the message below the progress spinner will be visible
- Type
bool, default True
- spinner_visible
If True, the progress spinner will be visible
- Type
bool, default False
- message_status
Keyword describing the message type which allows to display the spinner_message with different colors
- Type
str, default ‘RUNNING’
UI component - Hamburger menu of Add-on
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._hamburger_menu.vue template
- Type
- class seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components._investigate_range.InvestigateRange(**kwargs)[source]
UI component - DatetimePicker for the start and end times of the investigation range
- template_file
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._investigate_range.vue template
- Type
- start_range
DatetimePicker widget for the start time of the investigation range
- Type
- end_range
DatetimePicker widget for the end time of the investigation range
- Type
- investigation_range_visible
If True, the two DatetimePicker for the start and end times of the investigation range will be visible
- Type
bool, default True
- class seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components._schedule_inputs.ScheduleInputs(**kwargs)[source]
UI component - Form used for the “deploy” option with text fields for the result signal, the jobname, and the frequency of the deployed schedule.
- template_file
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._schedule_inputs.vue template.
- Type
- color
Primary color of the text fields for the “deploy” option in the Model Action card.
- Type
- frequency
A Cron expression with the frequency that the scheduled job will be run.
- Type
str, default ‘’
- frequency_disabled
If True, the frequency text field is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
- jobname
The name of the job to be deployed.
- Type
str, default ‘’
- jobname_disabled
If True, the jobname text field is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
- deploy_form_visible
If True, the jobname and frequency fields are visible. Otherwise, they are invisible.
- Type
bool, default True
- deploy_form_valid
If True, the form that wraps the jobname and frequency fields is marked as valid. Otherwise, the form is invalid.
- Type
bool, default True
- class seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components._model_inputs.ModelInputs(**kwargs)[source]
UI component - Model Inputs card with endpoints and assets dropdowns
- template_file
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._model_inputs.vue template.
- Type
- model_inputs_visible
If True, the entire Model Inputs card will be visible. Otherwise, the entire Model Inputs card will not be visible.
- Type
bool, default True
- endpoint_disabled
If True, the endpoints dropdown is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
- endpoint_color
Primary color of the endpoints dropdown.
- Type
- endpoint_items
List of items of the endpoints dropdown.
- Type
list, default []
- endpoint_selection
Selected value of the endpoints dropdown.
- Type
- endpoint_loading
If True, the endpoints dropdown will show a progress loading bar. Otherwise, the progress loading bar is invisible.
- Type
- asset_color
Primary color of the assets dropdown.
- Type
- asset_items
List of items of the assets dropdown.
- Type
list, default []
- asset_selection
Selected value of the assets dropdown.
- Type
- asset_visible
If True, the assets dropdown is visible. Otherwise, it is invisible.
- Type
- asset_disabled
If True, the assets dropdown is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
- class seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components._model_action.ModelAction(**kwargs)[source]
UI component - Model Action card with action dropdown, investigation range component and schedule component
- template_file
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._model_action.vue template.
- Type
- components
Modifies the VueTemplate.components attribute with a serialized instance of seeq.addons.ui_components.InvestigateRange and seeq.addons.ui_components.ScheduleInputs.
- Type
str, default {}
- model_action_visible
If True, the entire Model Action card will be visible. If false, the entire Model Action card will not be visible.
- Type
bool, default True
- color
Color of the dropdowns and text fields in the Model Action card.
- Type
- selection
Options of the action dropdown. If ‘Investigate’, the Model Action card will show the InvestigateRange component. If ‘Deploy’, the Model Action card will show the ‘ScheduleInputs’ component.
- Type
{‘Investigate’, ‘Deploy’}, default ‘Investigate’
- action_disabled
If True, the action dropdown is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
bool, default True
- result_name
The name of the result signal that will be pushed to Seeq.
- Type
str, default ‘’
- result_name_disabled
If True, the result_name field is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
- investigation_form_valid
If False, the result_name field will show an error message to hint the user. Otherwise, the field gets the default color and no error message.
- Type
bool, default True
- class seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components._model_summary.ModelSummary(**kwargs)[source]
UI component - Model Summary card
- template_file
Modifies the VueTemplate.template_file attribute with the seeq.addons.azureml.ui_components.templates._model_summary.vue template.
- Type
- model_summary_visible
If True, the entire Model Summary card will be visible. Otherwise, the entire Model Inputs card will not be visible.
- Type
bool, default True
- endpoint_info
Displays the selected value of the endpoints dropdown of the Model Inputs card.
- Type
- asset_info
Displays the selected value of the assets dropdown of the Model Inputs card.
- Type
- signals_info
Displays the input signal names that will be send to the Azure ML model endpoint.
- Type
- start_info
Displays the start time of the investigation range selected in the Model Action card if the “investigate” option is selected.
- Type
- end_info
Displays the end time of the investigation range selected in the Model Action card if the “investigate” option is selected.
- Type
- result_signal_info
Displays the name of the result signal supplied in the Model Actions card.
- Type
- time_range_warning
Displays a warning in red color if the start time is greater than the end time in the investigation range
- Type
- jobname_info
Displays the jobname supplied in the Model Actions if the “deploy” option is selected
- Type
- frequency_info
Displays the frequency supplied in the Model Actions if the “deploy” option is selected
- Type
- button_disabled
If True, the submit button is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled.
- Type
- button_loading
If True, the submit button shows a loading spinner. Otherwise, it shows the name of the button.
- Type
bool, default False
- error_title
Title of the error_message displayed to the left of error_message.
- Type
- error_message
Message to be display at the bottom of the Model Summary card.
- Type
- message_type
Allows to color the message depending on the type selected.
- Type