Source code for seeq.addons.azureml.backend._run_investigation

import json
import os
import ssl
import copy
import pandas as pd
from typing import Union
from datetime import datetime
import urllib.request
import hashlib
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from seeq import spy
from seeq.addons.azureml.utils import AzureMLException

DEFAULT_WORKBOOK_PATH = 'Data Lab >> Azure ML Integration'
DEFAULT_WORKSHEET_NAME = 'From Azure ML Integration'

[docs]class RunInvestigation: """ Takes the input parameters supplied by the user (typically, via Azure ML Integration UI), posts a request to the Azure ML model, gets a result signal back from Azure ML and pushes the result back to Seeq. This class assumes that the Azure ML model returns only ONE signal. Attributes ---------- input_signals: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the input signals and whose values are the Seeq IDs of the input signals. result_name: str The name of the result signal that will be pushed to Seeq. az_model_name: str Name of the Azure ML model used to compute the result signal. az_model_version: str The version of the Azure ML model used to compute the result signal. start: str The starting time for which to pull data with spy.pull. end: str The end time for which to pull data with spy.pull. grid: str A period to use for interpolation in the spy.pull call, such that all returned samples have the same timestamps. workbook: str The ID of the Seeq workbook that all pushed items will be 'scoped to'. worksheet: str The name of a worksheet within the workbook to create/update that will render the result signal that has been pushed. datasource: str The name of the datasource within which to contain all the pushed items. endpoint_uri: str The endpoint identifier of the AzureML model used to compute the result signal. aml_primary_key: str The primary key of the Azure ML endpoint quiet: bool If True, suppresses progress output. Note that when status is provided, the quiet setting of the Status object that is passed in takes precedence. data: pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with timestamps as Index and input signals data as columns. This dataset is passed in the request to the endpoint_uri to compute the resulting signal. result_signal: pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with timestamps as Index and one column with the data of the result signal pushed_df: pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the metadata for the result signal pushed, along with any errors and statistics about the operation. error_info: str Information on the most recent error that has occurred. Methods ------- validate_inputs() Validates the type of the input parameters allow_self_signed_https(allowed) Checks whether to allow self-signed https certificates get_seeq_data() Pulls the input signals required for the Azure ML model from Seeq run() Posts a request to the Azure ML endpoint_uri with the input data and, if successful, retrieves the serialized result signal push_to_seeq() Pushes the result signal from Azure ML model to Seeq. """ def __init__(self, input_signals: dict, result_name: str, az_model_name: str, az_model_version: str, start: Union[pd.Timedelta, datetime], end: Union[pd.Timedelta, datetime], grid: Union[str, None] = '5 min', workbook: Union[str, None] = DEFAULT_WORKBOOK_PATH, worksheet: Union[str, None] = DEFAULT_WORKSHEET_NAME, datasource: Union[str, None] = DEFAULT_DATASOURCE_NAME, endpoint_uri: Union[str, None] = None, aml_primary_key: Union[str, None] = None, self_signed_certificate=True, quiet=True): """ Parameters ---------- input_signals: dict A dictionary whose keys are the names of the input signals and whose values are the Seeq IDs of the input signals. result_name: str The name of the result signal that will be pushed to Seeq. az_model_name: str Name of the Azure ML model used to compute the result signal. az_model_version: str The version of the Azure ML model used to compute the result signal. start: str The starting time for which to pull data with spy.pull. end: str The end time for which to pull data with spy.pull. grid: str, default '5 min' A period to use for interpolation in the spy.pull call, such that all returned samples have the same timestamps. workbook: str, default 'Data Lab >> Azure ML Integration' The ID of the Seeq workbook that all pushed items will be 'scoped to'. worksheet: str, default 'From Azure ML Integration' The name of a worksheet within the workbook to create/update that will render the result signal that has been pushed. datasource: str, default 'Azure ML' The name of the datasource within which to contain all the pushed items. endpoint_uri: str The endpoint identifier of the AzureML model used to compute the result signal. aml_primary_key: str The primary key of the Azure ML endpoint self_signed_certificate: bool, default True If True, allows self-signed https certificates quiet: bool If True, suppresses progress output. Note that when status is provided, the quiet setting of the Status object that is passed in takes precedent. """ self.input_signals = input_signals self.result_name = result_name self.az_model_name = az_model_name self.az_model_version = az_model_version self.start = start self.end = end self.grid = grid self.workbook = workbook self.worksheet = worksheet self.datasource = datasource self.endpoint_uri = endpoint_uri self.aml_primary_key = aml_primary_key self.quiet = quiet self.validate_inputs() self.allow_self_signed_https(self_signed_certificate) = pd.DataFrame() self.result_signal = pd.DataFrame() self.pushed_df = None self.error_info = None
[docs] def validate_inputs(self): """ Validates the type of the input parameters Returns ------- -: None """ for name, idd in self.input_signals.items(): if not spy.utils.is_guid(idd): raise TypeError(f'The signal ID "{idd}" of the signal "{name}" is malformed') if not (isinstance(self.start, pd.Timedelta) or isinstance(self.start, datetime)): raise TypeError(f"The 'start' argument must be of type pd.Timedelta or datetime.datetime. " f"Got start: {type(self.start)}") if not (isinstance(self.end, pd.Timedelta) or isinstance(self.end, datetime)): raise TypeError(f"The 'start' argument must be of type pd.Timedelta or datetime.datetime. " f"Got start: {type(self.end)}") for prop in ['result_name', 'az_model_name', 'az_model_version', 'workbook', 'worksheet', 'datasource', 'endpoint_uri', 'aml_primary_key']: if prop is None: continue if not isinstance(getattr(self, prop), str): raise TypeError(f"The {prop} argument must be of type str. Got {type(getattr(self, prop))}") if not isinstance(self.endpoint_uri, str): raise TypeError("Argument 'endpoint_uri' must be a string") try: pd.Timedelta(self.grid) except ValueError as e: raise e
[docs] @staticmethod def allow_self_signed_https(allowed): """ Checks whether to allow self-signed https certificates Parameters ---------- allowed: bool If True, allows self-signed https certificates Returns ------- -: None """ # bypass the server certificate verification on client side if allowed and not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
[docs] def get_seeq_data(self): """ Pulls the input signals required for the Azure ML model from Seeq Returns ------- -: None """ signals = copy.deepcopy(self.input_signals) # spy.pull is modifying the input dict data = spy.pull(pd.DataFrame([{"ID": x, 'Type': 'Signal'} for x in signals.values()]), start=self.start, end=self.end, grid=self.grid, header='ID', quiet=self.quiet) cols = dict(zip(self.input_signals.values(), self.input_signals.keys())) data.rename(columns=cols, inplace=True) data.dropna(inplace=True) if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("There is no data available for these input signals during the selected time range") = data
def _prepare_request(self): self.get_seeq_data() body ='iso').encode() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.aml_primary_key}' } return urllib.request.Request(self.endpoint_uri, body, headers)
[docs] def run(self): """ Posts a request to the Azure ML endpoint_uri with the input data and, if successful, retrieves the serialized result signal Returns ------- -: None """ request = self._prepare_request() # Hit the endpoint with the data, get the response, and push into Seeq try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) result = self.result_signal = pd.read_json(json.loads(result)) except HTTPError as error: self.error_info = error raise AzureMLException(code=error.code, reason=error.reason, message="Azure request failed")
[docs] def push_to_seeq(self): """ Pushes the result signal from Azure ML model to Seeq. Returns ------- -: None """ if len(self.result_signal.columns) > 1: raise AzureMLException(code=None, reason=None, message='This implementation assumes a single signal resulting from the Azure ML ' 'model') s = self.result_name + self.az_model_name + self.az_model_version + str(set(self.input_signals.values())) hash_object = hashlib.sha1(s.encode()) self.result_signal.columns = [hash_object.hexdigest()] # Rename the name coming from Azure ML model self.pushed_df = spy.push( self.result_signal, workbook=self.workbook, datasource=self.datasource, worksheet=self.worksheet, status=spy.Status(quiet=self.quiet) ) separator = ",\n" description = f"Model Name: {self.az_model_name}\nModel Version: {self.az_model_version}\n" \ f"Inputs: \n[{separator.join(self.input_signals.values())}]" metadata = self.pushed_df.copy() metadata['Original Name'] = hash_object.hexdigest() metadata["Name"] = self.result_name, metadata["Description"] = description, metadata['Model Name'] = self.az_model_name, metadata["Model Version"] = self.az_model_version, metadata["Input Signals"] = str(list(set(self.input_signals.values()))), metadata["Type"] = "Signal" spy.push(metadata=metadata, workbook=self.workbook, quiet=self.quiet)