import re
from seeq import spy
[docs]class AmlModel:
Gets the serialized response from the Azure ML model management endpoint
and deserializes it
name : str
Name of the Azure ML model
id : str
ID of the Azure ML model
framework : str
Framework used for the Azure ML model
frameworkVersion : str
Version of the framework used
version : str
Azure ML model version
input_ids : list
IDs of the Seeq signals that the Azure ML model takes as inputs. If
provided, asset_path_ids and asset_input_names are disregarded.
asset_path_ids : list
IDs of the Seeq asset tree that the Azure ML model takes as inputs.
This is used in conjunction with asset_input_names to specify the
signals within the asset tree that are to be used as inputs for the ML
asset_input_names : list
Names of the Seeq signals that are to be used as inputs for the ML model.
These signals must be children of each of the asset trees specified in
sample_rate : str
The sampling rate required by the Azure ML model for the input signals.
Deserializes the Azure ML response of the model management endpoint
def __init__(self, name, idd) -> None:
name : str
Name of the Azure ML model
idd : str
ID of the Azure ML model
""" = name = idd
self.framework = None
self.frameworkVersion = None
self.version = None
self.input_ids = list()
self.asset_path_ids = list()
self.asset_input_names = list()
self.sample_rate = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def deserialize_aml_model_response(json):
json: dict
Serialized response of the Azure ML model management endpoint
model: seeq.addons.azureml.backend.AmlModel
Azure ML model properties
model = AmlModel(json['name'], json['id'])
model.framework = json['framework']
model.frameworkVersion = json['frameworkVersion']
model.version = json['version']
tags = json['kvTags']
if len(tags) > 0:
model.input_ids = {'(\d+)', k).group(): v for k, v in tags.items() if
k.lower().startswith('input') and spy.utils.is_guid(v)}
model.asset_path_ids = [v for k, v in tags.items() if k.lower().startswith('path') and spy.utils.is_guid(v)]
model.asset_input_names = {'(\d+)', k).group(): v for k, v in tags.items() if
k.lower().startswith('input') and not spy.utils.is_guid(v)}
model.sample_rate = tags.get('SampleRate', )
return model
[docs]class OnlineDeployment:
Gets the serialized response from the Azure ML deployments endpoint and
deserializes it
id : str
ID of the Azure ML deployment
name : str
Name of the Azure ML deployment
modelId : str
ID of the model associated with the Azure ML deployment
traffic : str
Allowed traffic to this deployment
model : str
Name of the model associated with the Azure ML deployment
location : str
Location of the Azure ML deployment
Deserializes the Azure ML response from the deployment endpoint
def __init__(self, name, idd, computeType) -> None:
name : str
Name of the Azure ML deployment
idd : str or None
ID of the Azure ML deployment
""" = idd = name
self.computeType = computeType
self.modelId = None
self.traffic = None
self.model = None
self.model_version = None
self.location = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def deserialize_aml_deployment_response(json, computeType):
Gets a serialized response from a given online endpoint in Azure ML and
deserializes each deployment associated with the endpoint.
json: dict
Serialized response of the Azure ML deployment endpoint
computeType: str
The type of compute: Managed, ACI, K8S
ods: list
List of deployments associated with the endpoint
ods = list()
for v in json['value']:
od = OnlineDeployment(name=v['name'], idd=v['id'], computeType=computeType)
od.modelId = v['properties']['model']['assetId']
od.location = v['location']
return ods
[docs]class OnlineEndpoint:
Gets the serialized response from an Azure ML endpoint and
deserializes it
id : str
ID of the Azure ML endpoint
name : str
Name of the Azure ML endpoint
type : str
Type of the Azure ML endpoint
description : str
Description of the Azure ML endpoint
scoringUri : str
The identifier to access the model associated with the online endpoint
authMode : str
Type of authentication used by the endpoint
provisioningState: str
State of the endpoint
createdBy: str
Name of the user that created the endpoint
lastModifiedAt: str
Date of the last time the endpoint was modified
tags: str
Tags associated with the endpoint. The only valid tag for integration
with Seeq is `{Seeq: true}`. If this tag does not exist, the endpoint
will be disregarded as a Seeq compatible endpoint.
kind: str
The endpoint deployment target type (Managed, Container, AKS).
location: str
The Azure region that this endpoint is hosted in.
traffic : str
Percentage of traffic to each deployment contained within the endpoint.
deployment: str
Deployments associated with the endpoint
primaryKey: str
Primary access key for the endpoint
secondaryKey: str
Secondary access key for the endpoint
Deserializes the Azure ML response from the unmanaged online endpoints endpoint
Deserializes the Azure ML response from the managed online endpoints endpoint
Adds an OnlineDeployment to the endpoint only if the traffic split
requirement is met.
def __init__(self, name, idd) -> None:
name : str
Name of the Azure ML endpoint
idd : str
ID of the Azure ML endpoint
""" = idd = name
self.type = None
self.description = None
self.scoringUri = None
self.authMode = None
self.provisioningState = None
self.createdBy = None
self.lastModifiedAt = None
self.tags = None
self.kind = None
self.location = None
self.traffic = None
self.deployment = list()
self.primaryKey = None
self.secondaryKey = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def deserialize_unmanaged_endpoint_response(json):
Deserializes the Azure ML response services response for ACI models
json: dict
Serialized response of the Azure ML online endpoints
oes: list
List of endpoints with `{'Seeq': true}` tag
oes = list()
for v in json['value']:
if 'Seeq' not in v['kvTags'] or 'scoringUri' not in v.keys():
oe = OnlineEndpoint(name=v['name'], idd=v['id'])
oe.tags = v['kvTags']
oe.type = "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints"
oe.description = v['description']
oe.scoringUri = v['scoringUri']
oe.authMode = v['authEnabled']
oe.kind = 'ACI'
oe.createdBy = v['createdBy']['userName']
oe.lastModifiedAt = v['updatedTime']
oe.location = v['location']
od = OnlineDeployment(, None, oe.type)
od.location = oe.location
od.model = (v['environmentImageRequest']['modelIds'][0]).split(':')[0]
od.model_version = (v['environmentImageRequest']['modelIds'][0]).split(':')[1]
od.traffic = 100
return oes
[docs] @staticmethod
def deserialize_managed_endpoint_response(json):
Deserializes the Azure ML response from the online endpoints endpoint
json: dict
Serialized response of the Azure ML online endpoints
oes: list
List of endpoints with `{'Seeq': true}` tag
oes = list()
for v in json['value']:
if 'Seeq' not in v['tags'] or 'scoringUri' not in v['properties']:
oe = OnlineEndpoint(name=v['name'], idd=v['id'])
oe.tags = v['tags']
oe.type = v['type']
oe.description = v['properties']['description']
oe.scoringUri = v['properties']['scoringUri']
oe.authMode = v['properties']['authMode']
oe.traffic = v['properties']['traffic']
oe.provisioningState = v['properties']['provisioningState']
oe.createdBy = v['systemData']['createdBy']
oe.lastModifiedAt = v['systemData']['lastModifiedAt']
oe.kind = v['kind']
oe.location = v['location']
return oes
[docs] def add_deployment(self, deployment):
deployment: seeq.addons.azureml.backend.OnlineDeployment
A deserialized OnlineDeployment object
-: None
deployment.traffic = self.traffic.get(
if deployment.traffic == TRAFFIC_SPLIT: